In-depth Business Analysis

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Receive a comprehensive report regarding potential liabilities and opportunities for your business, including:

  1. Finance and Accounting (Includes Financial Reporting, AR, AP, GAAP, and Risk Assessments)
  2. Cash Flow Issues (Considers Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Inventory factors)
  3. Employee Engagement (Includes Employee & Environment Surveys)
  4. HR Compliance (DOL Compliance) & Safety Compliance (Non-reported OSHA Compliant Assessment)
  5. Processes & Procedures Synopsis (Quality Management System Perspective)
  6. Planning and Goal Setting (Project & Strategic reviews)
  7. Project Management Review
  8. Training Program Assessment & Planning
  9. Communication (Internal & External)
  10. Sales & Marketing Analysis

Cost $500.00 [Two-day Research and Analysis (approximately 12 to 16 hours)]

Discover the path to Reducing Costs, Improving Productivity, Energizing your Employees, Deepening Client Loyalty, and Increasing Profits.

Complete our Contact Form to schedule your Business Opportunity Assessment today. Or email us at

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